Daftar ungkapan-ungkapan (gambits) yang lazim digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris

bloggotutorial-Daftar ungkapan-ungkapan (gambits) yang lazim digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. yang bersumber dari Keller (1988). Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut merupakan ciri yang menonjol dalam bahasa ragam lisan. Guru SMP bahasa inggris disarankan untuk mengajarkan ungkapan-ungkapan ini agar siswa dapat melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dengan mudah. Ini tidak berarti bahwa setiap gambit yang ada dalam daftar ini harus dibahas satu per satu sebab sebuah tindak tutur dapat dihantarkan oleh satu ungkapan saja. Akan tetapi, jika siswa memerlukan variasi lebih, guru dapat menjadikan daftar ini sebagai sumber yang bermanfaat.

Untuk materi atau artikel lainnya seperti tenses, grammar, parts of speech, dst kunjungi situs https://dasarbahasainggris.blogspot.co.id/

1. Meminta informasi 
  • I’d like to know… 
  • I’m interested in…
  • Could you tell me…? 
  • Do you know…? 
  • Could you find out …? 
  • Could I ask …? 
  • ‘Do you happen to know …?
2. Menyela 
  • ‘Excuse me. 
  • Sorry. 
  • Excuse me for interrupting, but….
  • May I interrupt for a moment? 
  • …, ‘ please. 
  • ‘Certainly
3. Menginterupsi 
  • Sorry, but… 
  • Excuse me for interrupting, but… 
  • Can I add here that…? 
  • I’d like to comment on that. 
  • Can I add something? 
  • Can I say something here? 
  • I’d like to say something if I may. 
  • Can I ask a question? 
  • ‘May I ask something?

Kembali ke topik

In any case,…
To get back to what I was saying,…
Where was I?

4. Meminta informasi lewat telepon

I’m calling to find out…
I’d like to ask…
Could you tell me…?
I’m calling about…
I was wondering if you could tell me…
I wonder if you could help me…
Jika lewat operator:
I’d like to talk to somebody about…

5. Beberapa kegiatan

First of all,
After that,
Make sure you…
Be careful not to…
Remember to…
Don’t forget to…

6. Berceritera

First of all,…
To begin with,…
After that,…
So then,…
At the end,…

7.Memberi alasan

First of all,…
The main reason is…
The other reason is…
Another reason is…
Besides that,…
And on top of that,…
And finally,…

8. Yang penting adalah…

First of all,…
The main thing is…
The most important thing is…

9. Masalah utamanya adalah…

The trouble is…
The problem is…
The real problem is…
The point is…
The ‘awful thing is…
Don’t forget that…

10. Fakta yang mengherankan

Do you realise that…
Believe it or not,…
You may not believe it, but…
It may sound strange, but…
‘The surprising thing is…
‘Oddly enough,…
‘Funnily enough,…

End with:


By and Large…
As a rule…
On the whole,…

11. Berita yang mengejutkan

Guess what!
I’ve got news for you!
Do you know what!
Are you sitting down?
You’d better sit down!
You won’t believe this, but…

12. Mengatakan sesuatu yang kurang enak

The only thing is…
To tell you the truth,…
To be honest,…
13. Kebenaran yang tersembunyi

Frankly, I  doubt if…
Let’s face it!
The catch is…
The truth of the matter is…
The real question is…
‘Come on now!
Let’s be realistic.

14. Mengubah topik

Talking of…
That reminds me…
‘By the way,
Oh, before I forget,…

15. Menanggapi berita

I think …
I suppose …
I ‘suspect that …
I’m pretty sure that …
I’m fairly certain that…
It’s my opinion that…
I’m ‘convinced that…
I ‘wonder if…

16. Menebak

I’d say…
Could it be…
Perhaps it’s…
I think it’s…
It looks like…
It’s difficult to say, but I’d guess…….

17. Sejujurnya…

I honestly feel that…
I ‘strongly believe that…
I’m convinced that…
Without a doubt,…
I’m positive …
I’m ‘absolutely certain that…

18.Pendapat pribadi

In my ‘opinion,…
I personally believe…
I personally think…
I personally feel…
Not everyone will agree me, but…
To ‘my mind…

19. Pendapat pribadi

In my opinion,…
From my point of view,…
Well, personally,…
If I had ‘my way,…
What ‘I’m more concerned with is…
In ‘my case…

20. Berbagi rahasia

 I’ve heard…
‘They say…
Just between you and me,
I heard ‘on the grapevine
This shouldn’t be passed around, but…
Have you heard…
Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but…

21. Menyarankan

Why not…
Why don’t you…
You could always…
One way would be to…
Perhaps you could…
If I were you, I’d…
What about…ing.
Try …ing.

22. Menawarkan usul

Why don’t you…
Why not…
Perhaps you could…
Have you thought about…
I have an idea.

23. Merencanakan

Our plan is to…
We’re thinking of…
What we have in mind is…
What we plan to do is…
I’ll tell you what we’ll do.
What about this for an idea…
24. Menyarankan

Why don’t you…
You could always…
If I were you, I’d…
Why not…
How about …
Try …ing.

25. Jika ada masalah

In a case like this,…
In a situation like this,…
In this sort of situation,…

26. Memberi tekanan

That’s just the point.
But the question is…
But the real question is…
This raises the problem of…
But can’t you see…?

27. Menambahkan

To start with,…
And another thing,…
What’s more,…
Just a small point,…
Perhaps I should mention…
Oh, I almost forgot…

28. Memberi alasan

And besides,…
‘In addition,…
What’s more,…
And another thing,…
Not to mention the fact that…
Plus the fact that…
Not only ‘that, but…

29. Anda punya alasan?



The reason why…


Because of that…
That’s why…
That’s the reason why…
‘For this reason…

30. Menharapkan

If ever…
As soon as…
By the time…

31. Mengoreksi diri

What I mean is…
What I meant was…
Let me put it another way.
What I’m saying is…
What I’m trying to say is…
Don’t’  misunderstand me,
If I said that, I didn’t mean to…
‘Let me rephrase what I just said.

32. Meluruskan berita

That’s not what I said at all.
I’ve no idea who told you that.
Goodness, where did you get that idea from?
‘I’m afraid that just isn’t true.
The fact of the matter is…
‘Look, let’s get this straight,…

33. Salah kaprah


Many people think…
Some people say…
You’ve probably heard that…
It may seem…


But in fact,
But actually,
The truth of the matter is…

34. Menganggap remeh

At first glance, it looks as if…
Many people think that…
We take it for granted that…
It seems as if…
It looks like…
But in fact,
In reality,
The fact of the matter is…
But actually,
35. Mengatakan ‘tidak’ dengan bijaksana

Saying no

I’m not keen on…
I don’t particularly like…
I can’t stand…
It’s not my idea of…
I’d really rather not…

A preference

I’d prefer…
I’d really much rather…
I’d rather…

36. Menolak dengan halus

I’m not really interested in…
But I’m not worried about…
I’ve got no use for…
I’m perfectly happy with…

37. Meminta penjelasan

Can you explain why…
Do you mean to say…
I don’t understand why…
Why is it that…
How come…
Does this mean…

38.Mengungkapkan kehati-hatian

‘I’m afraid…
I don’t see how…
But the problem is…
Yes, but…
I doubt…
Possibly, but…
Yes, but the problem really is…
What I’m worried about is…
What bothers me is…

39. Mempertimbangkan sesuatu

Bearing in mind…
If you remember…
Allowing for the fact that…
When you consider that…

Responding to a compliment

Oh, thank you very much.
That’s very kind of you.
Do you really think so?

40. Argumen dan melawan argumen


Yes, but …
Yes, but don’t forget…
That would be great, except…
That’s good idea, but…

Melawan argumen

Even so,…
Even if that is so,…
That may be so, but..
That’s probably true, but…
Possibly, but…

41. Melihat sisi baiknya

On the other hand …
But then again,…
Look at it this way,…
Even so, …
Ok, but…
But in the long run,…
Very true, but…
To make up for it, ….        

42. Membuat generalisasi

Membuat generalisasi

As a rule,…


Most of the time…
Again and again…
Time and again…

Tidal sering
Every so often…
From time to time…
Every now and then…

43. Pengecualian


In general,…
Generally speaking,…
As a rule,…
By and large,…
In my experience,…
In most cases,…


There are exceptions, of course,
One exception is…
But what about…
But don’t forget…

44. Generalisasi


In general,…
Generally speaking,…
As a rule,…
By and large,…
In my experience,…


There are exceptions of course.
One exception is…
But what about…
But don’t forget…
Let’s not forgt…

45. Memberi ilustrasi

For example,…
For instance,…
Take the way (he)…
Take for example…
For one thing…
To give you an idea…
Look at the way…
‘By way of illustration…

46. Maksud sebenarnya adalah…

Well, um…
Well, let’s see.
Mmm, I’ll have to think about that.

Mengatakan kembali:
So, what you’re saying is…
So, what you’re really saying is…
In other words,
If I understand you correctly,
So you mean that…

47. Mengakhiri ceritera

To cut a long story short,…
So in the end,…
So, in short,…
To sum up,…
All in all,…
To put the whole thing in a nutshell,…

48. Benar atau salah


That’s right.


No, I’m afraid not.
Not quite.
You’re close.
I don’t know.
I’m not sure.

49. Reaksi bersama


Hear! Hear!
You’re absolutely right!
‘You said it!
I agree!
‘So do I!
‘Neither can I!

Tidak setuju

That’s just not true!
Oh, come on!
Don’t give us that!

50. Setuju, tetapi…


That’s (very) true.
I agree with you there.
Yes, I know exactly what you mean.

Tidal setuju

Yes, but don’t you think…
I agree with you, but…
Yes, but on the other hand…
‘I don’t see it quite like that.

51. Rasanya…

‘I’m afraid I don’t know.
I’m afraid I can’t decide.
I’m afraid I can’t make up my mind.
I’ll have to think about it.
I’m really not sure.
‘I think I’ll leave it, thank you.

52. Berbagai kehendak

Sangat setuju

Of course I would!
I certainly would!

Agak setuju

I think I would.
I might.
I might consider it.
I think so.

Tidak dapat memutuskan

I don’t know.
I can’t decide.
I can’t make up my mind.
I’m not sure.

Agak tidak setuju

Probably not.
I don’t think so.
I doubt it.

Sangat tidak setuju

Never in a million years!
Not on your life!
Not (even) if you paid me !
Not for all the tea in China!

53. Anda tidak tahu apa-apa

I’m afraid I don’t know.
I’m sorry I don’t know.
I haven’t a clue.
I couldn’t tell you.
I’m not sure.
Oh, it’s slipped my mind.
I’ve forgotten.
It’s no good. I can’t remember.

54. “Kapok” kan?

It serves you right.
It’s your own fault.
What did you expect?
Perhaps that’ll teach you

55. Setuju



I’m not surprised.
That doesn’t surprise me.
Yes, that sounds like me.
I knew it!
I thought so.
Just what I’ve always thought.
Tidak setuju
You’re joking!
You must be joking!
I don’t believe it!
No, definitely not!
Come on!
I don’t think so.
I don’t think that’s very fair.
Are you pulling my leg?
That’s news to me!

56. Menanggapi secara interpersonal

Ketika Anda heran

Are you joking?
Where? Show me.
I can’t see that.

Jika setuju

So do I.
Me too!
That’s what I thought too!
But that’s what I was going to say.

57. Bersimpati

Tidak terlalu serius

Oh no!
What a pity!
What a shame.
What a nuisance.
Poor you.

Sangat serius

How awful!
How terrible!
I’m really sorry to hear that.
That must’ve been awful!

58. Cara terbaik mengatakannya

Well, let me see.
Well, let me think.
I’ll have to think about that.
That’s a good question.
How shall I put it?
Let’s put it this way.
The best way I can answer that is…
Mm, that’s a difficult question. Let me see.

59. Menunjukkan minat

And then?


Did you?

Have you?

Are you?

Were you?
Was it?

60. Apakah orang lain faham??

Gambits pengulangan

Would you mind repeating that?
Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part.
Sorry, you’ve lost me.
Sorry, I don’t follow you.
What was that again?

Gambits untuk mengecek

Are you with me?
Are you still with me?
Is that clear?
OK so far?
Have you got it?
Do you understand so far?

61. Jika tidak faham

Sorry, what did you say?
I didn’t get the bit about…
I’m sorry I can’t hear you. It’s a very bad line.

Would you mind saying that again?
Could you repeat your address, please?
Could you spell it, please?

62. Menerima pujian

Oh, thank you.
That’s very kind of you.
It’s very kind of you to say that.
Do you really think so?
Thanks, I needed that.
You’ve made my day!

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