All about Android 6.0.x Marshmallow Zenfone 5

ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Based: CyanogenMod 13.1
TWRP: 3.0.M2
Credits: Credits goes to XDA-Developers family with @dgadelha - @X AnwarMov - @tank0412 - @shakalaca - @quanganh2627 - @Luccas Oliveira and Asus Zenfone 5 Indonesia | Zen-UI big family
Firmware / Operating System / System Image / ROM
The most Stable ROM for Zenfone 5 is back!
[ROM][6.0.1] CyanogenMod 13.1 Stable Builds (Unofficial)
[ROM] [6.0.x] [WEEKLY] Unofficial CyanogenMod 13.0 Nightly Builds (T00xx)
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][6.0.1] CyanogenMod 13.1 Stable Builds
[ROM][6.0.1] CyanogenMod 13.0 Unofficial Builds [STATUS: Abandoned]
[ROM][6.0.1] CyanogenMod 13.1 Stable Builds (Unofficial) [STATUS: Abandoned]
[ROM][OFFICIAL][6.0.1r43]Resurrection Remix-MM 5.6.8 - stable builds[A500CG/1]
[ROM][OFFICIAL][6.0.1r43]Resurrection Remix-MM 5.6.9 - nightly builds[A500CG/1]
[ROM][6.0.1r43][Unofficial] XOSP 5.4 [RELEASE 5][REVISION 4]
[ROM][6.0.1] Temasek CM13 V6.9 (Unofficial) Experimental Builds
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][6.0.1][STABLE] AICP MarshMallow [Android Ice Cold Project 11]
[ROM][6.0.1r43] Android Open Kang Project (AOKP) Marshmallow
[ROM][6.0.1r43] BlissRom 6.3 Stable Builds (Unofficial)
[ROM][6.0]Euphoria OS 2.0 by tank0412 for A500/501/600CG
[ROM][MM-CAF 6.0.1r43]Dirty Unicorns v10.2 [Unofficial]
Open GAPPS / Google Applications
Recommended for Zenfone 5 choose -> x86 -> 6.0 -> pico -> download
Custom Recovery / TWRP
[RECOVERY] [unofficial] TWRP 3.0.2-0 Asus Zenfone 5 [A500CG] [A600CG]
Trouble shoting / Tips and Trick
Official CM13 - External SD write fix for Apps
Step 2: [for Titanium Backup]
Status: tested by me
[FIX][ExtSD] ExtSD Fix (v1.9b - 2016-05-04)
Status: not tested
Activated Multi Windows on CM 13 based
1. edit file build.prop on /system/
2. find line
3. replace with
4. add this script persist.sys.debug.multi_window=true
5. reboot, try or check this feature in Settings -> Developer options [Drawing segment]
Status: tested by me
Beats Ultimate Audio Engine
- Clear sound
– Beats™ Audio
– Also compatible with the headphones that don’t support audio render of 60kHz
– Where possible, arrange for the conversion of the songs (in background) below 256 kbps to 320kbps
– During playback of songs / sounds make a soft frequency scaling to reduce noise and highlight the track
– It offers more powerful and closed bass
– Efficient even with stock headphones
– Improves a lot the audio call
– Enhance the speakers for playing music without headphones in high quality
- 320Kbps Conversion for Crystal clear Audio output
- Increases Sound Output in both Loudspeaker and Line-outs “ENABLE MUSIC MODE IN AUDIO WIZARD TO MAKE IT LOUDER and FULL FUNCTIONAL”
- Download this 7z file & Extract it.
- Find "file [for ubuntu] or run.bat [for windows] this Installer" inside that folder.
- Launch it and Follow the Instruction which are Provided in that
ENJOY..!! High Definition Beats Audio on your Zenny's.
- SatySatsZ B for porting it to ZenFone 4/5/6, Speaker increase Mod
- Brought to you by
Download: Beats_for_ZenFone_5.7z
Status: tested by me on Ubuntu
Note: File ini sdh ane modifikasi dan berusaha ane sesuaikan dg Zen5 - CM13
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Terima kasih untuk para Admin dan Sesepuh Asus Zenfone 5 Indonesia | Zen-UI
Regards, Panembahan Senopati
“ do not forget to give credit resources along if not purely the result of your work and ask politely “

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