Anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the blood. When there isn't enough iron in the blood, a person will feel exhausted because the ability to carry oxygen through the body is reduced.

1. Have a bit of honey every day.
Consuming a little bit of honey in warm water on a daily basis raises the red blood cell count. However, children below a year of age should not be given honey.

2. Check with your doctor.
For children between a year and five years of age, doctors may, if needed, prescribe a tablet of elemental iron and folate (IFA).

3. Do not give your infant cow's milk in the first year of life.
Cow's milk is a common cause of iron deficiency in infants. Iron is absorbed 3 times better when it is in breast milk.

1. Have a bit of honey every day.
Consuming a little bit of honey in warm water on a daily basis raises the red blood cell count. However, children below a year of age should not be given honey.

2. Check with your doctor.
For children between a year and five years of age, doctors may, if needed, prescribe a tablet of elemental iron and folate (IFA).

3. Do not give your infant cow's milk in the first year of life.
Cow's milk is a common cause of iron deficiency in infants. Iron is absorbed 3 times better when it is in breast milk.