How to use QcomDloader Tool

Do you want to use QcomDloader Tool ? if yes then you are at right place. Today we are here with a guide on How to use QcomDloader Tool.These are the instructions on how to use QcomDloader Tool to flash stock firmware on any Qualcomm Smartphone and Tablets.
Requirements: You need to have Qualcomm Stock Firmware of your Device. If in case you have already downloaded the Stock Firmware of your device, then follow the guide below.

Use QcomDloader Tool to Flash Firmware

Step 1: Download and extract QcomDloader Tool on your computer. After extracting, you will be able to see the following files:

qcomdloader file

Step 2: Now, Install the Qualcomm USB Driver on your Computer (if you have already installed the Qualcomm USB Driver on your computer then SKIP this step).

qcomdloader driver

Step 3: Once you have successfully installed the Qualcomm USB Driver, then Connect your device to the computer (using USB cable).

connect android device computer

Step 4: Once your device is connected to the computer, Open QcomDloader.exe.

qcomdloader open

Step 5: Once, QcomDloader Tool is launched, you will be able to see the following interface:

QcomDloader Tool

Step 6: Now, Click on the Load Button and locate the Qualcomm Firmware of your Device.

Qcomdloader Load

qcomdloader firmware folder

Step 7: Now, Click on the Settings Button and Select Download Mode as Upgrade.

qcomdloader settings

Qcomdloader Download Mode

Step 8: Under Download Settings, Tick Validate Downloaded ROM.

qcomdloader validate

Step 9: Now, Leave the eMMC Programmer, Raw program, Patch0 Box as it is. But, you may need to change it, if the name of respected file is not same as written in the Box.

For example: If you Open the Qualcomm Firmware Folder (assuming you have already downloaded the firmware), you will find various files of which 3 main files are read by QcomDloader to Flash the extire package i.e prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn, rawprogram_unparse.xml, patch0.xml.

If in case the eMMC file name is different, then simply write the exact name in QcomDloader, so that it can recoginize the firmware.

Step 10: Now, Under chipset ID write the Chipset number (here eMMC file name if prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn of which 8926 is the Chipset ID).

qcomdloader chipset

Step 11: Now, Click OK to exit the configuration interface.

qcomdloader setting ok

Step 12: Now, Click on Start Button to begin the Flashing process.

qcomdloader start

Step 13: Once, Flashing is completed you will be able to see Green Passed message.

Qcomdloader Passed
Keep in Mind:
[*] Compatible With: It supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (x32 and x64 bit).
[*] Supports: QcomDloader Tool only supports Qualcomm Smartphone and tablets. If your device is having other chipset than Qualcomm then it will not work for you.
So this was our guide on How to use QcomDloader Tool, I hope the methods given above helped you in using QcomDloader Tool.